All information shared in session is confidential except in circumstances governed by the laws including the mandatory reporting of alleged harm to self or harm to others, and in the case of child, handicapped person, or elder abuse. We are required by law to report such confidences to the proper authorities.
NOTE: When working with a couple or family, the entire entity is the client. If information is shared in an individual session that I as your therapist regard essential for the good of the client, then I will strongly encourage such honesty, provided a safe environment for sharing exists.  If the individual refuses to share said information, it could result in a referral of the client to another therapist.  In addition, if any records are requested, then all adult parties must sign a Release of Information in order for the information to be disclosed.


$125.00/ 50 min.

$35.00/ 90 min. group (For group info. visit our GROUPS page.) …No groups running at this time.

Payment is due at time of session. We do not bill to insurance. You may pay by cash, Venmo, or check.

NOTE: Fees are subject to change annually.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Communication is highly valued. Notice of cancellation must be received within 24 hours of your appointment time. If you do not call within 24 hours or arrive for your appointment, you will be charged the regular session fee.


If you have questions about any of the above information please bring it to the attention of your counselor.